Goal: same as last year 20,000 pages
current total-1173 as of 1/23/11
current total-2729 as of 2/21/11
current total-2729 as of 2/21/11
Goal: 20 books
current total-zero
Goal: 4 books in 4 categories=16 books
current total-six read
Goal: 6 books
current total-one of six done
Goal: 10 books
current total-zero
Goal: 1000 traditional Regency Romances
current total-27
Goal: 70 books
current total-10
Goal: 15 books (Winter Challenge)
current total-14(finished)
Goal: 15 books (Spring Challenge, March-May)
current total-
10-2011 Public Domain E-book Challenge
Goal: 52 books
current total-2 books
11-The Buck Stops Here Challenge
Goal: 52 books
current total-10
12-Forgotten Treasures Challenge
Goal: 25 books
current total-2
Goal: 15 books (Spring Challenge, March-May)
current total-
10-2011 Public Domain E-book Challenge
Goal: 52 books
current total-2 books
11-The Buck Stops Here Challenge
Goal: 52 books
current total-10
Goal: 25 books
current total-2