It's that time again! Here is your list for the Winter ‘11 (December, January and February) Reading Challenge! (December 1-February 28)
1. Select ANY number of books to read that fit the category.
2. Post your list on the discussion board and blog (Name’s Winter 11 Challenge List)
3. If you need title suggestions please use the Discussion titled WINTER TITLE SUGGESTIONS if you don't see it please search (to try and minimize number of discussions)
4. Once you have read a book please find the corresponding discussion by searching you can search by 11 Winter # and use the number that corresponds with the list. (one will be created for each number on December 1, again, to try and minimize number of discussions) and post the book and title you read and rating, and review.
5. It is not required, but if you could post your review on the blog that would be great.
6. Reviews on the blog please include labels list the rating, author, and # of challenge only.
7. Audio books are okay
8. Rereads are okay
9. You can change your list at anytime
1. Reader’s Choice-DONE-Christmas Wishes by Barbara Metzger-4 stars
2. Reader’s Choice-DONE-Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist-4 stars
3. Reader’s Choice-DONE-Winter Blossom by Cynthia Sinclair-4 stars
4. Read a book by an author you’ve been wanting to try, but haven’t yet-DONE-Lady Jane by Norma Lee Clark-5 stars
5. Choose a cover with a headless model-DONE-The Warrior's Forbidden Virgin by Michelle Willingham-4 stars
6. Read an Enemy story Beau by Mary Balogh-5 stars7. Read a book by Jill Shalvis or Nancy Warren-
8. For MLK Day: Read a Title with 'Dream' in it-DONE-Surrender A Dream by Jill Barnett-1 star
9. A book where one of the main characters has a weird/uncommon name.-DONE-Teller of Tales by Laurel Ames-2.5 stars
10. Read a Christmas themed book OR an author that first or last name begins with C -DONE-The Christmas Promise by Mary Balogh-4 stars.
11. Read a book that has 2 words in the title-DONE-Enchanting Jenny by Zabrina Faire-3 stars
12. Read a book by picking one off your Shelfari’s friends shelf (and list who you got it from to make it fun!)-DONE-The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley-4 stars
13. Read an American Indian themed book by Allyson James-1 star
14. Read a book that has been on your shelf for a while (Out with the Old!)-DONE-The Ruby Ghost by June Calvin-2.5 stars
15. Read a book that was published in 2011 -or Dec of 2010 (In with the New!)
You can add all these books to your blog from The Reading Room too.